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The State Forestry Institute (IEF) indicated, in research, that about 99% of forest fires are caused by human factors, mainly involving negligence in actions. And the concern about this problem, which is increasingly common worldwide, is fully justified.

There is a very close relationship between drought and forest fire. During the time of year when the temperature rises and the humidity becomes low, it is essential to follow all precautionary measures to protect your property. Therefore, knowing the causes helps in making efficient decisions, preserving nature and, consequently, economic resources.


A forest fire is considered to be any outbreak of uncontrolled fire affecting some type of vegetation. During periods of drought, this risk increases, but the cause is not necessarily natural, as we have already noted: man also has a direct influence on this problem.

Causes for fires forestry:


  • Deforestation at ever higher levels;

  • Unregulated exploitation of underground water reserves

  • Insufficient water supply systems;

  • Territorial disorder.

Simão Torres

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